السبت، 23 أغسطس 2014

Thunderbolt Shadows Novel

It was a quite … gentle day

We call it fragrant clean- aired day

Its breezes hit my face tenderly

If I breathed normally, I would fill my lungs with fresh cool air

If I listened, my ear would be rapture and I would fly by wide imagination with birds of houses

And if I bothered to turn my head and looked a little to the right, I would see bloomed palm trees and various colored roses against decorated and sculptured carefully

 If you would you like to read the Novel by PDF send e-mail to us

سعد أحمد ضيف الله الوعي يعني سمع، أي وعت أذنه صوتاً، وهو الفهم، أي المحصول الفكري الذي ينضوي عليه العقل. والواعي هو حاضر البديهة، ولديه تواص...